(Story & Photo by Marco Stoovelaar)
Twins to play home evening-games somewhere else
De Glaskoning Twins will play its seven Thursday-evening home games in the upcoming regular season not on its site in Oosterhout.
A new light installation is to be constructed at Sportpark 'De Slotbosse Toren', as the current installation is not good enough to host big league-games.
It was initially hoped that only the first four or five games had to be played elsewhere, but on Tuesday (April 5), Twins confirmed that it will play all seven home games on Thursday-evening on another site.
 ...The home field of Twins... (© Photo: Marco Stoovelaar) |
As construction of the light installataion has yet to be started, Twins might play none of their home games at its site when they are scheduled to be played in the evening.
The seven mentioned games are part of the regular season.
That will be followed by the Play-Offs and Play-Downs.
Depending on what place Twins will finish that will included at least one Thursday-evening home game, unless they finish in either fourth or eighth place in the overall standings.
In that case, there will be no additional home games on Thursday-evening.
This season, Twins is making its comeback in the highest Dutch league after having promoted last year.
Twins will play six of their seven games on a neutral site, except for the first one against Curaçao Neptunus.
That game, on Thursday-evening, April 14, will be played in the stadium of Neptunus in Rotterdam.
April 14 is Opening Day in the Dutch big league.
The next six home-games for Twins on a Thursday-evening will all be played at the site of The Hawks in Dordrecht.
Twins then will play against DSS (April 28), L&D Amsterdam Pirates (May 12), HCAW (May 19), Vaessen Pioniers (June 16), UVV (June 30) and Kinheim (August 4).
This of course also means that home-games of Twins before that date that are cancelled due to weather conditions, will be have to be make up on other sites when they are re-scheduled to be played on an evening.
(April 5)
Schedule Regular Season
Team Rosters Dutch big league teams