(Story by Marco Stoovelaar; Photos by Fred Versluis)
Holland Series rains out; Game moved to Saturday
HAARLEM (Neth.) -
The best-of-one Holland Series between Oolders Omaco Sparks Haarlem and Terrasvogels rained out on Sunday-afternoon (October 2).
The game was to be the last one of the 'Season Finals Weekend' , which took place this weekend at the site of Oolders Omaco Sparks Haarlem in Haarlem.
 ...No game today... (© Photo: Fred Versluis) |
While it was initially tried to get the field ready again for the Holland Series in the late afternoon, in the end, it was cancelled due to the rain and the field-conditions.
The Holland Series-game was re-scheduled for coming Saturday, October 8, also at the site of Sparks Haarlem.
The best-of-one begins at 4 PM.
Sparks Haarlem then has to do without 3B Virginie Anneveld, as she will travel to New Zealand.
There, she will play in her second season after having made her debut in the New Zealand-competition last winter.
Earlier in the afternoon, best-of-one Final in the Golden League/Silver League Promotion/Relegation Series between Roef! and UVV went underway on Sunday-afternoon (October 2), but was interrupted by rain for the third in the top of the third inning, then halted definitively.
At the moment, the game was interrupted (for the third time), it was scoreless.
The game also has been re-scheduled for coming Saturday, October 8 at the site of Sparks Haarlem, starting at 12:30 PM.
Recap Roef! vs. UVV
In the morning, Neptunus shutout Alcmaria Victrix 8-0 and LeeAnn Craanberg threw a Perfect Game to win the best-of-one Final of the Silver League/First Division Promotion/Relegation Series.
With that, Neptunus promoted to next years Silver League (second highest league), while Alcmaria Victrix relegated and now will play in the First Division next season.
Recap Neptunus vs. Alcmaria Victrix
(October 2)