Baseball Scores, |
Standings & Stats 2011
Compiled and Copyright © 1997-2011 by Marco Stoovelaar
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Laatste update: 15 oktober 2011
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Last update: October 15, 2011
Hoofdklasse Honkbal / Major League Baseball 2011
Eindstanden & Statistieken Final Standings & Statistics |
(Competitie begonnen op donderdag 7 april; afgesloten op dinsdag 9 augustus) (Regular Season opened on Thursday, April 7; ended on Tuesday, August 9) |
1 | DOOR NEPTUNUS (PO) (HK12) | 42 | 31 | 11 | - | 62 | - | .738 | 278 | 109 | 16 - 5 | 15 - 6 | 17 - 9 | 14 - 2 | W 4 |
2 | L&D AMSTERDAM PIRATES (PO) (HK12) | 42 | 30 | 11 | 1 | 61 | 0,5 | .726 | 257 | 151 | 16 - 5 | 14 - 6 - 1 | 16 - 7 - 1 | 14 - 4 | W 1 |
3 | CORENDON KINHEIM (PO) (HK12) | 42 | 30 | 12 | - | 60 | 1 | .714 | 261 | 180 | 16 - 5 | 14 - 7 | 21 - 8 | 9 - 4 | W 7 |
4 | VAESSEN PIONIERS (PO) (HK12) | 42 | 25 | 16 | 1 | 51 | 5,5 | .607 | 246 | 167 | 15 - 5 - 1 | 10 - 11 | 20 - 6 - 1 | 5 - 10 | W 2 |
5 | UVV (A#) (PO#) (PD) | 42 | 17 | 25 | - | 34 | 14 | .405 | 196 | 257 | 9 - 12 | 8 - 13 | 13 - 14 | 4 - 11 | L 4 |
6 | SPARTA-FEYENOORD (A#)(PO#) (PD) | 42 | 16 | 26 | - | 32 | 15 | .381 | 180 | 250 | 10 - 11 | 6 - 15 | 11 - 16 | 5 - 10 | L 2 |
7 | MR. COCKER HCAW (A#) (PO#) (PD) | 42 | 13 | 29 | - | 26 | 18 | .310 | 188 | 247 | 7 - 14 | 6 - 15 | 6 - 22 | 7 - 7 | W 1 |
8 | ADO (A#) (PO#) (PD) | 42 | 5 | 37 | - | 10 | 26 | .119 | 116 | 367 | 3 - 18 | 2 - 19 | 3 - 25 | 2 - 12 | L 5 |
Uitslagen |
Programma |
Startende Werpers |
Line Scores & Box Scores |
Statistieken |
Team Rosters
Scores |
Schedule |
Pitching Assignments |
Line Scores & Box Scores |
Statistical Leaders |
Team Rosters
Comp. van 42 wedstrijden | 42-game schedule | Resultaten oefenseizoen | Results Exhibition Season |
(A) - ploeg op eerste plaats wint de KNBSB Beker en kwalificeert zich voor deelname aan de Europa Cup 2012 (A) - team in first place wins KNBSB Cup and qualifies for participation in the European Cup 2012 |
(A#) - uitgeschakeld voor eerste plaats | (A#) eliminated for first place |
(PO) - top-vier plaatst zich voor Play-Offs | (PO) - top-four qualifies for Play-Offs |
(PO#) - uitgeschakeld voor Play-Offs | (PO#) - eliminated for Play-Offs |
(PD) - onderste vier ploegen nemen deel aan Play-Downs | (PD) - bottom-four participates in Play-Downs |
(HK12) - zeker van plaats in Hoofdklasse 2012 | secured spot in Major League 2012 |
DOOR Neptunus is regerend landskampioen | DOOR Neptunus is defending Dutch champion |
(Play-Offs begonnen op donderdag 11 augustus; afgesloten op woensdag 31 augustus) (Play-Offs open on Thursday, August 11; ended on Wednesday, August 31) |
1 | VAESSEN PIONIERS (HS) (*) | 9 | 6 | 3 | - | 12 | - | .667 | 32 | 28 | 3 - 0 | 3 - 3 | 4 - 0 | 2 - 3 | L 1 |
| L&D AMSTERDAM PIRATES (HS) (*) | 9 | 6 | 3 | - | 12 | - | .667 | 37 | 31 | 4 - 1 | 2 - 2 | 2 - 2 | 4 - 1 | W 2 |
3 | DOOR NEPTUNUS (A#) | 9 | 4 | 5 | - | 8 | 2 | .444 | 36 | 31 | 3 - 3 | 1 - 2 | 2 - 2 | 2 - 3 | L 2 |
4 | CORENDON KINHEIM (A#) | 9 | 2 | 7 | - | 4 | 4 | .222 | 29 | 44 | 1 - 3 | 1 - 4 | 0 - 4 | 2 - 3 | W 1 |
Uitslagen |
Programma |
Startende Werpers |
Line Scores & Box Scores |
Statistieken |
Team Rosters
Scores |
Schedule |
Pitching Assignments |
Line Scores & Box Scores |
Statistical Leaders |
Team Rosters
Competitie van 9 wedstrijden | 9-game schedule |
(*) - volgorde gebaseerd op onderling resultaat (PIO-AMS 2-1) | (*) - ranking based on head-to-head results (PIO-AMS 2-1) |
(HS) - nrs. 1 en 2 plaatsen zich voor best-of-seven Holland Series | (HS) - nrs. 1 and 2 qualify for best-of-seven Holland Series |
(A#) - uitgeschakeld voor eerste plaats | (A#) eliminated for first place |
DOOR Neptunus was regerend landskampioen | DOOR Neptunus was defending Dutch champion |
(Promotie/Degradatie Play-Off begon op donderdag 1 september; afgesloten op zaterdag 10 september) (Promotion/Relegation Play-Offs opened on Thursday, September 1; ended on Saturday, September 10) |
1 | ADO (nr. 8 HK) (*) | 4 | 3 | 1 | - | 6 | - | .750 | 21 | 14 | 2 - 0 | 1 - 1 | 2 - 1 | 1 - 0 | W 2 |
2 | EURO STARS (nr. 1 OK) (**) | 4 | 1 | 3 | - | 2 | 2 | .250 | 14 | 21 | 1 - 1 | 0 - 2 | 1 - 2 | 0 - 1 | L 2 |
Uitslagen |
Programma |
Startende Werpers |
Line Scores & Box Scores |
Statistieken |
Team Rosters
Scores |
Schedule |
Pitching Assignments |
Line Scores & Box Scores |
Statistical Leaders |
Team Rosters
Best-of-five |
Gestaakte wedstrijd van zondag 4 september (10-2 voorsprong voor ADO) omgezet in 2-0 zege voor ADO Halted game of Sunday, September 4 (ADO leading 10-2) changed into 2-0 forfait win for ADO |
(*) - de winnende ploeg speelt in 2012 in de Hoofdklasse | (*) - the winning team plays in 2012 in the Dutch Major League |
(**) - de verliezende ploeg speelt in 2012 in de Overgangsklasse | (*) - the losing team plays in 2012 in the 'Overgangsklasse' |
(Holland Series begon op zaterdag 3 september; afgesloten op zondag 11 september) (Holland Series opened on Saturday, September 3; ended on Sunday, September 11) |
1 | L&D AMSTERDAM PIRATES (*) | 5 | 4 | 1 | - | 8 | - | .800 | 34 | 15 | 3 - 0 | 1 - 1 | 3 - 1 | 1 - 0 | W 3 |
2 | VAESSEN PIONIERS | 5 | 1 | 4 | - | 2 | 3 | .200 | 15 | 34 | 1 - 1 | 0 - 3 | 1 - 3 | 0 - 1 | L 3 |
Uitslagen |
Programma |
Startende Werpers |
Line Scores & Box Scores |
Statistieken |
Team Rosters
Scores |
Schedule |
Pitching Assignments |
Line Scores & Box Scores |
Statistical Leaders |
Team Rosters
Best-of-seven |
(*) - de winnende ploeg is landskampioen 2011 en plaatst zich voor deelname aan de Europa Cup 2012 (*) - the winning team is Dutch champion 2011 and qualifies for participation in the European Cup 2012 |
L&D Amsterdam Pirates landskampioen 2011; DOOR Neptunus was regerend landskampioen L&D Amsterdam Pirates Dutch champion 2011; DOOR Neptunus was defending Dutch champion |
(Oefenseizoen begonnen op zondag 6 maart; afgesloten op zondag 10 april) (Exhibition Season opened on Sunday, March 6; ended on Sunday, April 10) |
1 | UVV | 11 | 9 | 2 | - | 18 | - | .818 | 86 | 30 | 5 - 1 | 4 - 1 | 7 - 2 | 1 - 0 | L 1 |
2 | DOOR NEPTUNUS | 8 | 8 | - | - | 16 | 1,5 | 1.000 | 81 | 11 | 4 - 0 | 4 - 0 | 8 - 0 | 0 - 0 | W 8 |
| CORENDON KINHEIM | 9 | 8 | 1 | - | 16 | 1 | .889 | 58 | 16 | 3 - 0 | 5 - 1 | 8 - 1 | 0 - 0 | W 1 |
4 | MR. COCKER HCAW | 12 | 7 | 5 | - | 14 | 2,5 | .583 | 75 | 81 | 3 - 4 | 4 - 1 | 7 - 4 | 0 - 1 | L 1 |
| SPARTA-FEYENOORD | 12 | 7 | 5 | - | 14 | 2,5 | .583 | 86 | 59 | 4 - 3 | 3 - 2 | 6 - 5 | 1 - 0 | W 1 |
6 | L&D AMSTERDAM PIRATES | 8 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 11 | 2 | .688 | 44 | 16 | 2 - 1 - 1 | 3 - 1 | 4 - 2 - 1 | 1 - 0 | L 1 |
7 | VAESSEN PIONIERS | 10 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 9 | 4,5 | .450 | 51 | 51 | 2 - 2 | 2 - 3 - 1 | 4 - 5 - 1 | 0 - 0 | W 1 |
8 | ADO | 8 | 1 | 7 | - | 2 | 6,5 | .125 | 23 | 80 | 0 - 3 | 1 - 4 | 1 - 6 | 0 - 1 | L 1 |
Uitslagen |
Programma |
Startende Werpers |
Line Scores & Box Scores |
Statistieken |
Team Rosters
Scores |
Schedule |
Pitching Assignments |
Line Scores & Box Scores |
Statistical Leaders |
Team Rosters
De Reguliere Competitie begint op donderdag 7 april | The Regular Season opens on Thursday, April 7 |
DOOR Neptunus is regerend landskampioen | DOOR Neptunus is defending Dutch champion |
Alle resultaten van de oefenwedstrijden zijn hier te vinden All results of the exhibition games can be found here |
Donderdag 7 april / Thursday, April 7 |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Markwell (1-0) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | L-Cordemans (0-1) | 2-0 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zaterdag 9 april / Saturday, April 9 |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Koks (1-0) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | L-Anderson (0-1) | 3-2 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zondag 10 april / Sunday, April 10 |
DOOR Neptunus | L-Van Veen (0-1) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Grover (1-0) | 3-4 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Donderdag 14 april / Thursday, April 14 |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Bergman (1-0) | vs. | ADO | L-Girigori (0-1) | 7-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Miner (0-1) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Cordemans (1-1) | 1-10 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
UVV | L-Yntema (0-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-C.Orman (1-0) | 4-10 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Carrington (0-1) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Markwell (2-0) | 0-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zaterdag 16 april / Saturday, April 16 |
ADO | L-Martin (0-1) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-D.Jansen (1-0) | 4-11 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-J.de Jong (1-0) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Burgersdijk (0-1) | 14-2 (6½) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (1-0) | vs. | UVV | L-Van Zijl (0-1) | 3-0 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Heijstek (1-0) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Gustina (0-1) | 10-0 (7) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zondag 17 april / Sunday, April 17 |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Veltkamp (1-0) | vs. | ADO | L-Doran (0-1) | 9-0 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Eijpe (0-1) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Grover (2-0) | 4-10 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
UVV | W-Tarapacki (1-0) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-Gnade (0-1) | 7-4 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Berghmans (0-1) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Van Acker (1-0) | 2-11 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zaterdag 23 april / Saturday, April 23 |
ADO | L-Girigori (0-2) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Cordemans (2-1) | 2-5 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
DOOR Neptunus | L-Markwell (2-1) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-Bergman (2-0) | 0-8 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Miner (1-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-C.Orman (1-1) | 2-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
UVV | W-Yntema (1-1) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Carrington (0-2) | 4-0 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zondag 24 april / Sunday, April 24 |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-J.de Jong (2-0) | vs. | ADO | L-Martin (0-2) | 13-3 (7) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Beljaards (1-0) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | L-Heijstek (1-1) | 3-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (2-0) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Eijpe (0-2) | 14-3 (6½) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Gustina (0-2) | vs. | UVV | W-Van Zijl (1-1) | 5-7 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Maandag 25 april / Monday, April 25 |
ADO | L-Doran (0-2) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Koks (2-0) | 1-19 (7) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Asjes (1-0) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | L-Stuifbergen (0-1) | 5-2 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Mulder (0-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-Draijer (1-0) | 9-12 (10) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
UVV | W-Karel (1-0) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Berghmans (0-2) | 10-5 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Donderdag 28 april / Thursday, April 28 |
UVV | W-Yntema (2-1) | vs. | ADO | L-Girigori (0-3) | 5-2 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Manuel (1-0) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-C.Orman (1-2) | 5-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Mulder (0-2) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Asjes (2-0) | 2-7 (10) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Koks (3-0) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | L-Stuifbergen (0-2) | 3-2 (10) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zaterdag 30 april / Saturday, April 30 |
ADO | L-Martin (0-3) | vs. | UVV | W-Van Zijl (2-1) | 7-10 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | L-Aucoin (2-1) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Gustina (1-2) | 4-5 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Heijstek (2-1) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Klarenbeek (0-1) | 9-0 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Beljaards (2-0) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | L-Koks (3-1) | 7-6 (11) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zondag 1 mei / Sunday, May 1 |
UVV | L-Riphagen (0-1) | vs. | ADO | W-Girigori (1-3) | 3-5 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Berghmans (1-2) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-Gnade (0-2) | 5-4 (11) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Miner (1-2) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Anderson (1-1) | 3-10 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Grover (3-0) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | L-Veltkamp (1-1) | 9-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Donderdag 5 mei / Thursday, May 5 |
ADO | L-Martin (0-4) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-Bergman (3-0) | 1-4 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Cordemans (3-1) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-R.Schel (0-1) | 8-4 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Markwell (3-1) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Manuel (1-1) | 9-0 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-M.de Lincel (1-0) | vs. | UVV | L-Yntema (2-2) | 11-2 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zaterdag 7 mei / Saturday, May 7 |
Corendon Kinheim | W-D.Jansen (2-0) | vs. | ADO | L-Tabares (0-1) | 7-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Miner (1-3) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-J.de Jong (3-0) | 4-9 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Gustina (1-3) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Heijstek (3-1) | 4-20 (7) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (3-1) | vs. | UVV | L-Van Zijl (2-2) | 4-2 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zondag 8 mei / Sunday, May 8 |
ADO | L-Girigori (1-4) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-Veltkamp (2-1) | 0-9 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Van Heijst (1-0) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Melendez (0-1) | 6-5 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Anderson (2-1) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Carrington (0-3) | 2-0 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
UVV | L-Riphagen (0-2) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-Huijer (1-0) | 4-8 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Donderdag 12 mei / Thursday, May 12 |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-C.Orman (2-2) | vs. | ADO | L-Martin (0-5) | 5-4 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
UVV | L-Yntema (2-3) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Markwell (4-1) | 3-4 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Manuel (1-2) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Cordemans (4-1) | 0-6 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Ward (1-0) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | L-Beljaards (2-1) | 5-4 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zaterdag 14 mei / Saturday, May 14 |
ADO | L-Girigori (1-5) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (4-1) | 0-9 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Heijstek (4-1) | vs. | UVV | L-Van Ancum (0-1) | 11-2 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Koks (4-1) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Carrington (0-4) | 2-1 (10) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Corendon Kinheim | L-D.Jansen (2-1) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Miner (2-3) | 1-11 (7) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zondag 15 mei / Sunday, May 15 |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Huijer (2-0) | vs. | ADO | L-Lambertina (0-1) | 10-2 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
UVV | L-Van Zijl (2-3) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Anderson (3-1) | 4-8 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Gustina (2-3) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | L-Geestman (0-1) | 6-4 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Ward (1-1) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-Stuifbergen (1-2) | 4-8 (10) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Donderdag 19 mei / Thursday, May 19 |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Miner (3-3) | vs. | ADO | L-Girigori (1-6) | 12-2 (8) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Bergman (4-0) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Manuel (1-3) | 5-3 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Cordemans (5-1) | vs. | UVV | L-Van Ancum (0-2) | 11-1 (7) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Markwell (5-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-C.Orman (2-3) | 6-0 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zaterdag 21 mei / Saturday, May 21 |
ADO | L-Martin (0-6) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Roovers (1-0) | 0-14 (8) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Carrington (0-5) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-D.Jansen (3-1) | 3-10 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
UVV | W-Yntema (3-3) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | L-J.de Jong (3-1) | 12-7 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (5-1) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | L-Asjes (2-1) | 2-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zondag 22 mei / Sunday, May 22 |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Melendez (0-2) | vs. | ADO | W-Lambertina (1-1) | 5-7 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Veltkamp (3-1) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Gustina (2-4) | 11-6 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
L&D A'dam Pirates | (PoR-Geestman) | vs. | UVV | (PoR-Tarapacki) | gest.,1e9 (*) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Van Veen (1-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-Huijer (2-1) | 10-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
(*) - wedstrijd na bench-clearing door umpires in 1e9 met 2 uit gestaakt en 7-14 voorsprong voor UVV; wedstrijd wordt op 30 juli uitgespeeld; Pitchers of Record zijn Geestman (Amsterdam) en Tarapacki (UVV) (*) - game suspended by umpires after bench-clearing in top 9th with 2 outs and UVV leading 7-14; game to be completed on July 30; Pitchers of Record are Geestman (Amsterdam) and Tarapacki (UVV) |
Donderdag 26 mei / Thursday, May 26 |
ADO | L-Martin (0-7) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Markwell (6-1) | 3-9 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | L-C.Orman (2-4) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Cordemans (6-1) | 1-13 (7) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
UVV | L-Van Ancum (0-3) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-Bergman (5-0) | 2-6 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Manuel (1-4) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Miner (4-3) | 0-8 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vrijdag 27 mei / Friday, May 27 |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Heijstek (5-1) | vs. | ADO | L-Lambertina (1-2) | 3-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-J.de Jong (4-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-Huijer (2-2) | 10-8 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zaterdag 28 mei / Saturday, May 28 |
ADO | L-Girigori (1-7) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Anderson (4-1) | 0-16 (7) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Gnade (1-2) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | L-Morales (0-1) | 10-5 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Beljaards (3-1) | vs. | UVV | L-Karel (1-1) | 13-7 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Melendez (0-3) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Carrington (1-5) | 3-5 (11) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zondag 29 mei / Sunday, May 29 |
UVV | L-Van Zijl (2-4) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-Veltkamp (4-1) | 4-11 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Ventura (1-0) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Mulder (0-3) | 12-11 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Woensdag 1 juni / Wednesday, June 1 |
DOOR Neptunus | | vs. | T&A San Marino (SMr) | | 7-3 | Parma (Ita) |
Heidenheim Heideköpfe (Dui) | | vs. | L&D Amsterdam Pirates | | 4-7 | Amsterdam |
Donderdag 2 juni / Thursday, June 2 |
Draci Brno (Tsj) | | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | | 4-3 (10) | Parma (Ita) |
L&D Amsterdam Pirates | | vs. | Sant Boi (Spa) | | 9-2 | Amsterdam |
Vrijdag 3 juni / Friday, June 3 |
Tenerife Marlins (Spa) | | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | | 2-6 | Parma (Ita) |
L&D Amsterdam Pirates | | vs. | North Stars (Rus) | | 7-1 | Amsterdam |
Zaterdag 4 juni / Saturday, June 4 |
Rouen Huskies (Fra) | | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | | 0-3 | Parma (Ita) |
L&D Amsterdam Pirates | | vs. | Hoboken Pioneers (Bel) | | 13-0 (6½) | Amsterdam |
Zondag 5 juni / Sunday, June 5 |
UGF Fortitudo Bologna (Ita) | | vs. | L&D Amsterdam Pirates | | 6-5 | Amsterdam |
DOOR Neptunus | | vs. | ASD Cariparma Parma (Ita) | | 1-7 | Parma (Ita) |
UGF Fortitudo Bologna, L&D Amsterdam Pirates, T&A San Marino, ASD Cariparma Parma geplaatst voor Final Four |
UGF Fortitudo Bologna, L&D Amsterdam Pirates, T&A San Marino, ASD Cariparma Parma qualified for Final Four |
Donderdag 2 juni / Thursday, June 2 |
ADO | L-Girigori (1-8) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Manuel (2-4) | 3-15 (8) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-C.Orman (3-4) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | L-Bergman (5-1) | 6-4 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Burgersdijk (0-2) | vs. | UVV | W-Van Ancum (1-3) | 3-5 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zaterdag 4 juni / Saturday, June 4 |
Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Carrington (2-5) | vs. | ADO | L-Lambertina (1-3) | 11-6 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Corendon Kinheim | L-D.Jansen (3-2) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (6-1) | 0-11 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
UVV | W-Yntema (4-3) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Miner (4-4) | 2-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zondag 5 juni / Sunday, June 5 |
ADO | L-Martin (0-8) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Gustina (3-4) | 4-5 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Gnade (2-2) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | L-Beljaards (3-2) | 4-3 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
UVV | W-Van Zijl (3-4) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Melendez (0-4) | 4-2 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zaterdag 11 juni / Saturday, June 11 |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Cordemans (7-1) | vs. | ADO | L-Girigori (1-9) | 6-0 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
(ADO uitgeschakeld voor eerste plaats / ADO eliminated for first place) |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Beljaards (4-2) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | L-Van Driel (0-1) | 6-5 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Manuel (3-4) | vs. | UVV | L-Yntema (4-4) | 3-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (7-1) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Burgersdijk (0-3) | 5-0 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zondag 12 juni / Sunday, June 12 |
ADO | L-Lambertina (1-4) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Morales (1-1) | 6-10 (10) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
DOOR Neptunus | L-Boyd (0-1) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-D.Jansen (4-2) | 2-5 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
UVV | W-Tarapacki (2-0) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Ventura (1-1) | 5-4 (10) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Mulder (1-3) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-Řeháček (0-1) | 5-4 (11) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Maandag 13 juni / Monday, June 13 |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Grover (4-0) | vs. | ADO | L-Martin (0-9) | 2-1 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Corendon Kinheim | L-Veltkamp (4-2) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Roodenburg (1-0) | 3-11 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Gustina (4-4) | vs. | UVV | L-Van Ancum (1-4) | 15-5 (7) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | L-Huijer (2-3) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Roovers (2-0) | 3-6 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Zondag 19 juni / Sunday, June 19 |
ALL STAR GAME - Sportpark 'De Paperclip' (UVV) - Vleuten |
All Stars Team South | L-Ventura | vs. | All Stars Team North | W-Van Heijst | 5-8 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Donderdag 23 juni / Thursday, June 23 |
13e WORLD PORT TOURNAMENT - Neptunus Familiestadion - Rotterdam |
23 juni t/m 3 juli |
www.worldporttournament.nl |
Donderdag 7 juli / Thursday, July 7 |
Corendon Kinheim | L-Bergman (5-2) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Cordemans (8-1) | 0-4 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
ADO | L-Lambertina (1-5) | vs. | UVV | W-Yntema (5-4) | 3-8 (8) | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
Vaessen Pioniers | L-C.Orman (3-5) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Carrington (3-5) | 1-7 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Markwell (7-1) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Roovers (2-1) | 8-2 | Line Score, Box Score & Play-by-Play |
(Mr. Cocker HCAW uitgeschakeld voor eerste plaats / Mr. Cocker HCAW eliminated for first place) |
Zaterdag 9 juli / Saturday, July 9 |
L&D A'dam Pirates | L-J.de Jong (4-2) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-D.Jansen (5-2) | 0-8 | |
UVV | W-Tarapacki (3-0) | vs. | ADO | L-Martin (0-10) | 6-5 | |
(ADO uitgeschakeld voor Play-Offs / ADO eliminated for Play-Offs) |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Manuel (3-5) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (8-1) | 2-14 (7) | |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Miner (4-5) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Heijstek (6-1) | 1-13 (7) | |
Zondag 10 juli / Sunday, July 10 |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Van Groningen (1-0) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | L-Grover (4-1) | 10-8 | |
ADO | L-Girigori (1-10) | vs. | UVV | W-Van Ancum (2-4) | 8-10 | |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Gulinck (1-0) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Gustina (4-5) | 6-4 | |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Van Acker (2-0) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Melendez (0-5) | 5-2 | |
Donderdag 14 juli / Thursday, July 14 |
Sparta-Feyenoord | | vs. | ADO | | afg. | (regen; naar dinsdag 19 juli) |
Corendon Kinheim | | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | | afg. | (regen; naar dinsdag 19 juli) |
L&D A'dam Pirates | | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | | afg. | (regen; naar dinsdag 19 juli) |
UVV | | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | | afg. | (regen; naar dinsdag 19 juli) |
Zaterdag 16 juli / Saturday, July 16 |
ADO | | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | | gest. | (regen; naar dinsdag 26 juli) |
(wedstrijd gestaakt met 2 uit in 2e4 en 0-3 voorsprong voor SPF / game halted with 2 outs in bottom 4th with SPF leading 3-0) |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (9-1) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | L-Bergman (5-3) | 5-0 (5) | |
(wedstrijd vanwege regen gestaakt na 5 innings / game halted due to rain after 5 innings) |
DOOR Neptunus | | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | | gest. | (regen; naar dinsdag 26 juli) |
(wedstrijd gestaakt met 2 uit in 2e3 en 3-2 voorsprong voor NEP / game halted with 2 outs in bottom 3rd with NEP leading 3-2) |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Roovers (2-2) | vs. | UVV | W-Yntema (6-4) | 5-7 | |
(Mr. Cocker HCAW uitgeschakeld voor Play-Offs / Mr. Cocker HCAW eliminated for Play-Offs) |
Zondag 17 juli / Sunday, July 17 |
Sparta-Feyenoord | | vs. | ADO | | gest. | (regen; naar dinsdag 2 aug.) |
(wedstrijd gestaakt met 2 uit in 2e1, lopers op 1e en 2e honk en 2-1 voorsprong voor Sparta-Feyenoord) (game halted with 2 outs in bottom 1st, runners on 1st and 2nd with Sparta-Feyenoord leading 2-1) |
Corendon Kinheim | | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | | gest. | (regen; naar maandag 18 juli) |
(wedstrijd gestaakt na afloop 1e1 met 0-0 stand / game halted after top 1st inning with no score) |
L&D A'dam Pirates | | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | | afg. | (regen; naar dinsdag 2 aug.) |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | | vs. | UVV | | gest. | (regen; naar dinsdag 26 juli) |
(wedstrijd gestaakt na afloop 1e5 met 2-5 voorsprong voor UVV / game halted after top 5th with UVV leading 5-2) |
Maandag 18 juli / Monday, July 18 |
Corendon Kinheim | | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | | afg. | (regen, veldconditie; naar di. 26 juli) |
Dinsdag 19 juli / Tuesday, July 19 |
Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Manuel (4-5) | vs. | ADO | L-Lambertina (1-6) | 8-2 | |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Beljaards (5-2) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-Gulinck (1-1) | 7-5 (7) | |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Grover (5-1) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | L-Roodenburg (1-1) | 9-3 | |
UVV | L-Tarapacki (3-1) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Mulder (2-3) | 4-6 (10) | |
Donderdag 21 juli / Thursday, July 21 |
ADO | W-Martin (1-10) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-Gnade (2-3) | 7-5 | |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Markwell (8-1) | vs. | UVV | L-Yntema (6-5) | 3-1 | |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Cordemans (9-1) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Seebus (0-1) | 6-0 | |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Bergman (6-3) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Roovers (2-3) | 3-0 | |
Zaterdag 23 juli / Saturday, July 23 |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (10-1) | vs. | ADO | L-Bol (0-1) | 9-1 | |
UVV | L-Van Leeuwen (0-1) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Heijstek (7-1) | 5-9 | |
(DOOR Neptunus geplaatst voor Play-Offs / DOOR Neptunus qualifies for Play-Offs) |
(UVV uitgeschakeld voor eerste plaats / UVV eliminated for first place) |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Carrington (3-6) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-J.de Jong (5-2) | 1-2 | |
(L&D Amsterdam Pirates geplaatst voor Play-Offs / L&D Amsterdam Pirates qualifies for Play-Offs) |
(Sparta-Feyenoord uitgeschakeld voor eerste plaats / Sparta-Feyenoord eliminated for first place) |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Miner (4-6) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-Veltkamp (5-2) | 0-5 | |
Zondag 24 juli / Sunday, July 24 |
ADO | | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | | afg. | (regen; naar dinsdag 9 augustus) |
DOOR Neptunus | | vs. | UVV | | afg. | (regen; naar maandag 25 juli) |
L&D A'dam Pirates | | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | | afg. | (regen; naar dinsdag 9 augustus) |
Corendon Kinheim | | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | | afg. | (regen; naar dinsdag 2 augustus) |
Maandag 25 juli / Monday, July 25 |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Van Veen (2-1) | vs. | UVV | L-Van Zijl (3-5) | 9-1 | |
Dinsdag 26 juli / Tuesday, July 26 |
DOOR Neptunus | L-Asjes (2-2) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Koks (5-1) | 4-6 (10) | |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Ward (2-1) | vs. | UVV | L-Yntema (6-6) | 3-1 | |
(door dit resultaat Corendon Kinheim geplaatst voor Play-Offs / due to this result Corendon Kinheim qualifies for Play-Offs) |
ADO | W-Girigori (2-10) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Gustina (4-6) | 7-3 (8) | |
Corendon Kinheim | L-D.Jansen (5-3) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-Řeháček (1-1) | 4-10 (8) | |
Donderdag 28 juli / Thursday, July 28 |
ADO | L-Lambertina (1-7) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Roovers (3-3) | 1-8 | |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Seebus (0-2) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-Veltkamp (6-2) | 1-11 | |
(Sparta-Feyenoord uitgeschakeld voor Play-Offs / Sparta-Feyenoord eliminated for Play-Offs) |
Vaessen Pioniers | L-M.de Lincel (1-1) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Markwell (9-1) | 1-4 | |
UVV | L-Tarapacki (3-2) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Morales (2-1) | 0-2 | |
(door dit resultaat Vaessen Pioniers geplaatst voor Play-Offs / due to this result Vaessen Pioniers qualifies for Play-Offs) |
(UVV uitgeschakeld voor Play-Offs / UVV eliminated for Play-Offs) |
Zaterdag 30 juli / Saturday, July 30 |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Miner (5-6) | vs. | ADO | L-Martin (1-11) | 8-0 | |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Bergman (7-3) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Carrington (3-7) | 7-2 | |
DOOR Neptunus | L-Heijstek (8-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (11-1) | 2-5 | |
L&D A'dam Pirates | L-Geestman (0-2) | vs. | UVV | W-Tarapacki (4-2) | 7-14 | |
(restant gestaakt duel 22 mei; wedstrijd wordt hervat in 1e9 met 2 uit, loper op 2e honk en een voorsprong van 7-14 voor UVV) (remainder suspended game May 22; game resumes in top 9th with 2 outs, runner on 2nd base and UVV leading 14-7) |
L&D A'dam Pirates | L-J.de Jong (5-3) | vs. | UVV | W-Yntema (7-6) | 0-3 | |
(regulier vastgestelde competitiewedstrijd; begon na afloop van restant voorgaande wedstrijd) (regular scheduled game; started after completion of remainder previous game) |
Zondag 31 juli / Sunday, July 31 |
ADO | W-Girigori (3-10) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Melendez (0-6) | 6-4 | |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Ventura (1-2) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-Beljaards (6-2) | 4-7 | |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-K.de Lincel (1-0) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | L-Van Driel (0-2) | 6-3 | |
UVV | L-De Wit (0-1) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Morales (3-1) | 3-4 | |
Dinsdag 2 augustus / Tuesday, August 2 |
L&D A'dam Pirates | L-Van Heijst (1-1) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Van Driel (1-2) | 2-8 | |
Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Gustina (5-6) | vs. | ADO | L-Oele (0-1) | 14-0 (6½) | |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Stuifbergen (2-2) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Burgersdijk (0-4) | 9-8 | |
Donderdag 4 augustus / Thursday, August 4 |
DOOR Neptunus | | vs. | ADO | | afg. | (regen; naar zondag 7 aug.) |
L&D A'dam Pirates | | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | | afg. | (regen; naar vrijdag 5 aug.) |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Bergman (8-3) | vs. | UVV | L-Yntema (7-7) | 11-1 (7) | |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Roovers (3-4) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Seebus (1-2) | 1-3 (5) | (gestaakt, regen) |
Vrijdag 5 augustus / Friday, August 5 |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Morales (4-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-Gnade (2-4) | 4-2 | |
Zaterdag 6 augustus / Saturday, August 6 |
ADO | L-Girigori (3-11) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Markwell (10-1) | 0-12 (7) | |
Vaessen Pioniers | | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | | 3-3 (6) | (gestaakt, veldcondities, regen) |
UVV | L-Karel (1-2) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-Beljaards (7-2) | 6-7 (7) | (gestaakt, veldcondities, regen) |
Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Valdez (1-0) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Miner (5-7) | 8-4 | |
Zondag 7 augustus / Sunday, August 7 |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Asjes (3-2) | vs. | ADO | L-Lambertina (1-8) | 7-6 (10) | (game one, DH) |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Anderson (5-1) | vs. | ADO | L-Martin (1-12) | 10-1 | (game two, DH) |
L&D A'dam Pirates | L-Grover (5-2) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-Řeháček (1-2) | 0-2 | |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Stuifbergen (3-2) | vs. | UVV | L-Tarapacki (4-3) | 12-11 | |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Mulder (3-3) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Fasting (0-1) | 7-2 | |
Maandag 8 augustus / Monday, August 8 |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Van Heijst (2-1) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Hennep (0-1) | 5-1 (4½) | (gestaakt, regen) |
Dinsdag 9 augustus / Tuesday, August 9 |
ADO | L-vd Post (0-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-Buring (1-0) | 3-21 (7) | |
(einde van de reguliere competitie) (end of the regular season) |
Donderdag 11 augustus / Thursday, August 11 |
Play-Offs (1-4) |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Markwell (1-0) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-M.de Lincel (0-1) | 8-1 | |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Koks (1-0) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | L-Stuifbergen (0-1) | 2-1 (10) | |
Play-Downs (5-8) |
UVV | W-Van Ancum (1-0) | vs. | ADO | L-Lambertina (0-1) | 11-0 (6½) | |
Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Carrington (1-0) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Roovers (0-1) | 7-1 | |
Zaterdag 13 augustus / Saturday, August 13 |
Play-Offs |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Kops (1-0) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | L-Heijstek (0-1) | 4-2 | |
Corendon Kinheim | L-D.Jansen (0-1) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Grover (1-0) | 2-13 (7) | |
Play-Downs |
ADO | L-Girigori (0-1) | vs. | UVV | W-Yntema (1-0) | 3-16 (8) | |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Miner (0-1) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Gustina (1-0) | 5-8 | |
Zondag 14 augustus / Sunday, August 14 |
Play-Offs |
DOOR Neptunus | L-Anderson (0-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (1-0) | 0-6 | |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Geestman (1-0) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | L-Walsma (0-1) | 6-4 | |
Play-Downs |
UVV | W-Karel (1-0) | vs. | ADO | L-Martin (0-1) | 4-3 | |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Seebus (0-1) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Melendez (1-0) | 2-3 | |
Donderdag 18 augustus / Thursday, August 18 |
Play-Offs |
DOOR Neptunus | L-Van Driel (0-1) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | W-Stuifbergen (0-2) | 3-7 (11) | |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Morales (1-0) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-Řeháček (0-1) | 5-3 | |
Play-Downs |
UVV | W-Yntema (2-0) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | L-Ward (0-1) | 3-1 | |
Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Carrington (2-0) | vs. | ADO | L-Girigori (0-2) | 15-5 (8) | |
Zaterdag 20 augustus / Saturday, August 21 |
Play-Offs |
Corendon Kinheim | L-Veltkamp (0-1) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | W-Heijstek (1-1) | 5-6 | |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Kops (2-0) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | L-Grover (1-1) | 4-2 | |
Play-Downs |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Miner (1-1) | vs. | UVV | L-Van Zijl (0-1) | 4-3 | |
ADO | L-Martin (0-2) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | W-Gustina (1-0) | 5-6 | |
Zondag 21 augustus / Sunday, August 21 |
Play-Offs |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Anderson (1-1) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | L-Beljaards (0-1) | 4-0 | |
(Corendon Kinheim uitgeschakeld voor Holland Series / Corendon Kinheim eliminated for Holland Series) |
L&D A'dam Pirates | L-Van Heijst (0-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-Aucoin (2-0) | 1-4 | |
Play-Downs |
UVV | L-Van Ancum (1-1) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Klarenbeek (1-0) | 3-12 | |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Seebus (0-2) | vs. | ADO | W-Bol (1-0) | 6-9 | |
Donderdag 25 augustus / Thursday, August 25 |
Play-Offs |
DOOR Neptunus | W-Markwell (2-0) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | L-J.de Jong (0-1) | 7-0 | |
Corendon Kinheim | L-Bergman (0-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | W-Řeháček (0-2) | 3-4 (10) | |
(Vaessen Pioniers geplaatst voor Holland Series / Vaessen Pioniers clinch Holland Series) |
Play-Downs |
UVV | W-Yntema (3-0) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Carrington (2-1) | 6-3 | |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Ward (1-1) | vs. | ADO | L-Girigori (0-3) | 6-1 | |
(ADO eindigt op de laatste plaats, waardoor UVV, HCAW en Sparta-Feyenoord zich handhaven) (ADO finishes in last place, meaning UVV, HCAW and Sparta-Feyenoord secured their big league-status) |
Zaterdag 27 augustus / Saturday, August 27 |
Play-Offs |
L&D A'dam Pirates | | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | | afg. | (regen, naar dinsdag 30 aug.) |
Vaessen Pioniers | | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | | afg. | (regen, naar dinsdag 30 aug.) |
Play-Downs |
Sparta-Feyenoord | | vs. | UVV | | afg. | (regen, naar dinsdag 30 aug.) |
ADO | | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | | afg. | (regen, naar dinsdag 30 aug.) |
Zondag 28 augustus / Sunday, August 28 |
Play-Offs |
DOOR Neptunus | | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | | afg. | (regen/veldcondities, naar di.30 aug.) (*) |
Corendon Kinheim | | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | | afg. | (regen/veldcondities, naar di.30 aug.) (*) |
(*) - oorspronkelijke inhaalwedstrijden van dinsdag 30 augustus verschoven naar maandag 29 augustus) |
Play-Downs |
UVV | | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | | afg. | (regen/veldcondities, naar di.30 aug.) (*) |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | | vs. | ADO | | afg. | (regen/veldcondities, naar di.30 aug.) (*) |
(*) - oorspronkelijke inhaalwedstrijden van dinsdag 30 augustus verschoven naar maandag 29 augustus) |
Maandag 29 augustus / Monday, August 29 |
Play-Offs |
L&D A'dam Pirates | | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | | afg. | (veldconditie, naar woensdag 31 aug.) |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Gulinck (1-0) | vs. | Corendon Kinheim | L-Veltkamp (0-2) | 6-1 | |
(Vaessen Pioniers eindigt op 1e plaats in Play-Offs en krijgt thuisvoordeel in Holland Series) (Vaessen Pioniers finishes in 1st place in Play-Offs and earns home advantage in Holland Series) |
Play-Downs |
Sparta-Feyenoord | L-Gustina (1-1) | vs. | UVV | W-Van Zijl (1-1) | 1-11 (7) | |
ADO | L-Bol (1-1) | vs. | Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Burgersdijk (1-0) | 2-12 | |
Dinsdag 30 augustus / Tuesday, August 30 |
Play-Offs |
DOOR Neptunus | L-Heijstek (1-2) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Cordemans (1-0) | 2-3 | |
Corendon Kinheim | W-Beljaards (1-1) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-Buring (0-1) | 6-0 | |
Play-Downs |
UVV | | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | | afg. | (veldconditie, naar woensdag 31 aug.) |
Mr. Cocker HCAW | W-Roovers (1-0) | vs. | ADO | L-Nieveld (0-1) | 12-3 | |
Woensdag 31 augustus / Wednesday, August 31 |
Play-Offs |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Koks (2-0) | vs. | DOOR Neptunus | L-Van Driel (0-2) | 5-4 (10) | |
(L&D Amsterdam Pirates geplaatst voor Holland Series / L&D Amsterdam Pirates clinch Holland Series) |
Play-Downs |
UVV | W-Tarapacki (1-0) | vs. | Sparta-Feyenoord | L-A.Vrolijk (0-1) | 5-4 (10) | |
Beslissingswedstrijd Kampioenschap Overgangsklasse |
Euro Stars | | vs. | PSV | | 7-3 | (gespeeld op veld Sparta-Feyenoord) |
(Euro Stars kampioen van de Overgangsklasse en geplaatst voor Promotie/Degradatie Play-Off vs. ADO) (Euro Stars wins championship in Overgangsklasse and qualifies for Promotion/Relegation Play-Offs vs. ADO) |
(einde van de Play-Offs & Play-Downs) (end of the Play-Offs & Play-Downs) |
Donderdag 1 september / Thursday, September 1 |
Promotie/Degradatie Play-Offs (game 1, best-of-five) |
ADO (nr. 8 HK) | W-Girigori (1-0) | vs. | Euro Stars (nr. 1 OK) | L-Stewart (0-1) | 9-4 | (ADO leidt Prom./Degr.PO, 1-0) |
Zaterdag 3 september / Saturday, September 3 |
Holland Series (game 1, best-of-seven) |
Vaessen Pioniers | L-Řeháček (0-1) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Koks (1-0) | 4-5 (14) | (Amsterdam Pirates leidt HS, 1-0) |
Promotie/Degradatie Play-Offs (game 2, best-of-five) |
Euro Stars (nr. 1 OK) | W-Buffa (1-0) | vs. | ADO (nr. 8 HK) | L-Nieveld (0-1) | 7-6 (10) | (Stand Prom.Degr.PO, 1-1) |
Zondag 4 september / Sunday, September 4 |
Holland Series (game 2, best-of-seven) |
Vaessen Pioniers | W-Řeháček (1-1) | vs. | L&D A'dam Pirates | L-Delamarre (0-1) | 6-5 | (Stand Holland Series, 1-1) |
Promotie/Degradatie Play-Offs (game 3, best-of-five) |
ADO (nr. 8 HK) | W-Girigori (2-0) | vs. | Euro Stars (nr. 1 OK) | L-Isenia (0-1) | gest.,1e8 (*) | 0-2; ADO leidt Prom./Degr.PO, 2-1) |
(*) - wedstrijd na 7 innings (10-2 voorsprong ADO) gestaakt door umpires, omdat Euro Stars niet voldeed aan een opdracht van umpires; Pitchers of Record zijn Girigori (ADO) en Isenia (Euro Stars); Euro Stars aangewezen als schuldige van staken; reglementaire 2-0 nederlaag
(*) - game halted after 7 innings (ADO leading 10-2) by umpires after Euro Stars didn't comply to a ruling by the umpires; Pitchers of Record are Girigori (ADO) and Isenia (Euro Stars); Euro Stars declared responsible for stopping game; game ruled 2-0 forfait loss |
Donderdag 8 september / Thursday, September 8 |
Holland Series (game 3, best-of-seven) |
L&D A'dam Pirates | | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | | afg. | (regen, naar vrijdag 9 sept.) |
Vrijdag 9 september / Friday, September 9 |
Holland Series (game 3, best-of-seven) |
L&D A´dam Pirates | W-Cordemans (1-0) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-M.de Lincel (0-1) | 6-2 | (Amsterdam Pirates leidt HS, 2-1) |
Zaterdag 10 september / Saturday, September 10 |
Holland Series (game 4, best-of-seven) |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-J.de Jong (1-0) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-Aucoin (0-1) | 8-1 | (Amsterdam Pirates leidt HS, 3-1) |
Promotie/Degradatie Play-Offs (game 4, best-of-five) |
Euro Stars (nr. 1 OK) | L-Buffa (1-1) | vs. | ADO (nr. 8 HK) | W-Girigori (3-0) | 3-4 | (ADO wint Prom./Degr.PO, 3-1) |
(ADO handhaaft zich in de Hoofdklasse / ADO prolongs stay in big league) |
Zondag 11 september / Sunday, September 11 |
Holland Series (game 5, best-of-seven) |
L&D A'dam Pirates | W-Grover (1-0) | vs. | Vaessen Pioniers | L-Kops (0-1) | 10-2 | (Amsterdam Pirates wint HS, 4-1) |
(L&D Amsterdam Pirates kampioen van Nederland / L&D Amsterdam Pirates Dutch champion) |
(einde van het seizoen 2011) (end of the 2011 season) |
Woensdag 21 september / Wednesday, September 21 |
T&A San Marino (SMR) | W-Cubillan (1-0) | vs. | L&D Amsterdam Pirates | L-Morales (0-1) | 1-0 (10) | (Game 1) Brno (Tsjechië) |
Unipol Bologna (ITA) | L-Grifantini (0-1) | vs. | Parma Angels (ITA) | W-Matos (1-0) | 3-2 | (Game 2) Brno (Tsjechië) |
Donderdag 22 september / Thursday, September 22 |
Unipol Bologna (verl.Game 2) | W-Langone (1-0) | vs. | L&D Amsterdam Pirates (verl.Game 1) | L-Geestman (0-1) | 10-9 | (Bologna 3e; Amsterdam 4e) |
T&A San Marino (winn.Game 1) | W-Da Silva (1-0) | vs. | Parma Angels (winn.Game 2) | L-Corradini (0-1) | 7-1 | (San Marino 1e; Parma 2e) |
Zondag 2 oktober / Sunday, October 2 |
Nederland | W-Martis (1-0) | vs. | Taiwan | L-Wang (0-1) | 2-1 | Aguadulce (Panama) |
Maandag 3 oktober / Monday, October 3 |
Nederland | W-Sulbaran (1-0) | vs. | Griekenland | L-Karkatselos (0-1) | 19-0 (4½) | Aguadulce (Panama) |
Dinsdag 4 oktober / Tuesday, October 4 |
Japan | L-Hamano (0-1) | vs. | Nederland | W-Cordemans (1-0) | 2-5 | Panama City (Panama) |
Donderdag 6 oktober / Thursday, October 6 |
Nederland | W-Stuifbergen (1-0) | vs. | Puerto Rico | L-Santiago (0-1) | 5-0 | Panama City (Panama) |
Vrijdag 7 oktober / Friday, October 7 |
USA | L-Shoemaker (0-1) | vs. | Nederland | W-Markwell (1-0) | 5-7 | Aguadulce (Panama) |
Zaterdag 8 oktober / Saturday, October 8 |
Nederland | L-Van Driel (0-1) | vs. | Canada | W-Henderson (1-0) | 4-5 (11) | Panama City (Panama) |
Zondag 9 oktober / Sunday, October 9 |
Panama | L-Acosta (1-1) | vs. | Nederland | W-Cordemans (2-0) | 3-7 | Panama City (Panama) |
Dinsdag 11 oktober / Tuesday, October 11 |
Tweede Ronde |
Nederland | W-Stuifbergen (2-0) | vs. | Zuid-Korea | L-Park (0-1) | 5-1 | Chitré (Panama) |
Woensdag 12 oktober / Wednesday, October 12 |
Tweede Ronde |
Nederland | | vs. | Australië | | gestaakt, regen | Santiago de Veraguas (Panama) |
(wedstrijd in 1e7 gestaakt door regen met 1-1 stand / game in top 7th halted by rain with an 1-1 score) |
Donderdag 13 oktober / Thursday, October 13 |
Tweede Ronde |
Nederland | | vs. | Australië | | 2-1 | (restant) Santiago de Veraguas (Panama) |
Cuba | | vs. | Nederland | | 1-4 | Santiago de Veraguas (Panama) |
(Nederland geplaatst voor de finale / Netherlands clinch final) |
Vrijdag 14 oktober / Friday, October 14 |
Tweede Ronde |
Venezuela | | vs. | Nederland | | 2-12 | Aguadulce (Panama) |
Zaterdag 15 oktober / Saturday, October 15 |
Finaledag 1e t/m 8e plaats |
Cuba | | vs. | Nederland | | 1-2 | Panama City (Panama) |
(Nederland wereldkampioen / Netherlands World Champion) |
(het hoofdklasse-seizoen 2011 is afgesloten) (the 2011 big league-season has ended) |
Mail your suggestions and questions to stoov@wxs.nl
Mail suggesties en vragen naar stoov@wxs.nl
Last Update: October 15, 2011
Copyright © 1997-2011 Marco Stoovelaar.