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Today is Thursday, March 27.
Grand Slam * Stats & News
Updated: May 9, 2020
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Copyright © 1997-2020
Grand Slam/Marco Stoovelaar
Softball Women
Compiled and Copyright © 1997-2020 by Marco Stoovelaar

(Story by Marco Stoovelaar; Photo by Henk Seppen)

Today, the fourth round of games was scheduled in Golden League

HAARLEM / AMERSFOORT / HOOFDDORP (Neth.) - On a sunny Saturday-aftenoon (May 9), the fourth series of double-headers were scheduled in both the Golden League and Silver League Softball in the Netherlands. However, as you know, the softball-season is on hold, as all regular season-games have been annuled through June 9 because of measures taken against the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. New dates have not yet been announced.

(© Photo: Henk Seppen)
From March 12 on, the Government of the Netherlands regularly announced several (stricter) measures due to the coronavirus. On Wednesday (May 6), there was another update regarding the measures and a little more freedom was announced then.

When (and if) it is possible to open the new season, the Royal Netherlands Baseball and Softball Assocation (KNBSB) announced that it will give teams a three-week preparation period when it is allowed to return to the fields. As of now, the KNBSB announced on April 29 that it had annulled all regular season-games through June 9. However, in the update on Wednesday, it was also announced that contact-sports remain prohibited through September 1. What that means for baseball and softball is not clear yet. No timeline is yet known whether it will be possible to open the season thereafter.

We don't know when yet, but softball and baseball of course will be back! When it is safe to do so for everyone involved. Until then, take care and stay safe!

Beneath are the games that were scheduled to be played on Saturday with the assignments of the game-officials.

(May 9)

Game 1: Terrasvogels - Olympia Haarlem postponed
Olympia Haarlem -000
Terrasvogels -000
pitchers Olympia Haarleminn.SOBBHRER

pitchers Terrasvogelsinn.SOBBHRER

Team Rosters
Assigned Umpires: HP-Gerrit-Jan van der Hoeven, 1B-Arjan Mens.
Assigned Official Scorer-Ben Goorts.
Assigned Play-by-Play Scorer-Karin Pieneman (Terrasvogels).
Public Address Announcer-.
Scoreboard Operator-.
Scheduled Starting Time-2:00 PM.
Time Played-0:00 hrs.
Site-Van der Aartsportpark, Haarlem (site Onze Gezellen).

Game Notes:
Game 1 of double-header.
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the game was cancelled on April 1 by the KNBSB, which on that date annulled all games through May 19 to give the teams a new three-week preparation for an eventual start of the season.
No new date has been announced yet.
Weather conditions at game time: Sunny, 22,7° C (72,9° F); wind direction east-northeast;
wind speed 19 kmh (11,8 mph); wind force 3 Bft; humidity 37%.

Game 2: Terrasvogels - Olympia Haarlem postponed
Olympia Haarlem -000
Terrasvogels -000
pitchers Olympia Haarleminn.SOBBHRER

pitchers Terrasvogelsinn.SOBBHRER

Team Rosters
Assigned Umpires: HP-Arjan Mens, 1B-Gerrit-Jan van der Hoeven.
Assigned Official Scorer-Ben Goorts.
Assigned Play-by-Play Scorer-Karin Pieneman (Terrasvogels).
Public Address Announcer-.
Scoreboard Operator-.
Scheduled Starting Time-30 minutes after completion of Game 1.
Time Played-0:00 hrs.
Site-Van der Aartsportpark, Haarlem (site Onze Gezellen).

Game Notes:
Game 2 of double-header.
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the game was cancelled on April 1 by the KNBSB, which on that date annulled all games through May 19 to give the teams a new three-week preparation for an eventual start of the season.
No new date has been announced yet.
Weather conditions at game time: Sunny, 21,8° C (71,2° F); wind direction northeast;
wind speed 19 kmh (11,8 mph); wind force 3 Bft; humidity 44%.

Game 1: Sparks Haarlem - Amsterdam Pirates postponed
Amsterdam Pirates -000
Sparks Haarlem -000
pitchers Piratesinn.SOBBHRER

pitchers Sparks Haarleminn.SOBBHRER

Team Rosters
Assigned Umpires: HP-Patrick Reus, 1B-Louis Rohan.
Assigned Official Scorer-Linda Steijger.
Assigned Play-by-Play Scorer-Dennis Duin.
Public Address Announcer-.
Scoreboard Operator-.
Scheduled Starting Time-2:00 PM.
Time Played-0:00 hrs.
Site-Noordersportpark, Haarlem.

Game Notes:
Game 1 of double-header.
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the game was cancelled on April 1 by the KNBSB, which on that date annulled all games through May 19 to give the teams a new three-week preparation for an eventual start of the season.
No new date has been announced yet.
Weather conditions at game time: Sunny, 22,7° C (72,9° F); wind direction east-northeast;
wind speed 19 kmh (11,8 mph); wind force 3 Bft; humidity 37%.

Game 2: Sparks Haarlem - Amsterdam Pirates postponed
Amsterdam Pirates -000
Sparks Haarlem -000
pitchers Piratesinn.SOBBHRER

pitchers Sparks Haarleminn.SOBBHRER

Team Rosters
Assigned Umpires: HP-Louis Rohan, 1B-Patrick Reus.
Assigned Official Scorer-Linda Steijger.
Assigned Play-by-Play Scorer-Dennis Duin.
Public Address Announcer-.
Scoreboard Operator-.
Scheduled Starting Time-30 minutes after completion of Game 1.
Time Played-0:00 hrs.
Site-Noordersportpark, Haarlem.

Game Notes:
Game 2 of double-header.
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the game was cancelled on April 1 by the KNBSB, which on that date annulled all games through May 19 to give the teams a new three-week preparation for an eventual start of the season.
No new date has been announced yet.
Weather conditions at game time: Sunny, 21,8° C (71,2° F); wind direction northeast;
wind speed 19 kmh (11,8 mph); wind force 3 Bft; humidity 44%.

Game 1: Quick Amersfoort - Roef! postponed
Roef! -000
Quick Amersfoort -000
pitchers Roef!inn.SOBBHRER

pitchers Quickinn.SOBBHRER

Team Rosters
Assigned Umpires: HP-Bianca Dweelaard, 1B-Martin Lemstra.
Assigned Official Scorer-Stefan Slinger.
Assigned Play-by-Play Scorer-Brigitta Zaal.
Public Address Announcer-.
Scoreboard Operator-.
Scheduled Starting Time-2:00 PM.
Time Played-0:00 hrs.
Site-XL Lease Park 'Dorrestein', Amersfoort.

Game Notes:
Game 1 of double-header.
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the game was cancelled on April 1 by the KNBSB, which on that date annulled all games through May 19 to give the teams a new three-week preparation for an eventual start of the season.
No new date has been announced yet.
Weather conditions at game time: Sunny, 23,5° C (74,3° F); wind direction east;
wind speed 14 kmh (8,7 mph); wind force 3 Bft; humidity 27%.

Game 2: Quick Amersfoort - Roef! postponed
Roef! -000
Quick Amersfoort -000
pitchers Roef!inn.SOBBHRER

pitchers Quickinn.SOBBHRER

Team Rosters
Assigned Umpires: HP-Martin Lemstra, 1B-Bianca Dweelaard.
Assigned Official Scorer-Stefan Slinger.
Assigned Play-by-Play Scorer-Brigitta Zaal.
Public Address Announcer-.
Scoreboard Operator-.
Scheduled Starting Time-30 minutes after completion of Game 1.
Time Played-0:00 hrs.
Site-XL Lease Park 'Dorrestein', Amersfoort.

Game Notes:
Game 2 of double-header.
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the game was cancelled on April 1 by the KNBSB, which on that date annulled all games through May 19 to give the teams a new three-week preparation for an eventual start of the season.
No new date has been announced yet.
Weather conditions at game time: Sunny, 22,1° C (71,8° F); wind direction north-northeast;
wind speed 10 kmh (6,2 mph); wind force 2 Bft; humidity 48%.

Game 1: Hoofddorp Pioniers - Tex Town Tigers postponed
Tex Town Tigers -000
Hoofddorp Pioniers -000
pitchers Tex Town Tigersinn.SOBBHRER

pitchers Pioniersinn.SOBBHRER

Team Rosters
Assigned Umpires: HP-Arjan de Wever, 1B-Tommasita Pavan.
Assigned Official Scorer-Maaike Houtkamp.
Assigned Play-by-Play Scorer-Dieks Bannink.
Public Address Announcer-.
Scoreboard Operator-.
Scheduled Starting Time-2:00 PM.
Time Played-0:00 hrs.
Site-Sportpark Hoofddorp Pioniers, Park21, Hoofddorp.

Game Notes:
Game 1 of double-header.
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the game was cancelled on April 1 by the KNBSB, which on that date annulled all games through May 19 to give the teams a new three-week preparation for an eventual start of the season.
No new date has been announced yet.
Weather conditions at game time: Sunny, 23° C (73,4° F); wind direction east-northeast;
wind speed 18 kmh (11,2 mph); wind force 3 Bft; humidity 36%.

Game 2: Hoofddorp Pioniers - Tex Town Tigers postponed
Tex Town Tigers -000
Hoofddorp Pioniers -000
pitchers Tex Town Tigersinn.SOBBHRER

pitchers Pioniersinn.SOBBHRER

Team Rosters
Assigned Umpires: HP-Tommasita Pavan, 1B-Arjan de Wever.
Assigned Official Scorer-Maaike Houtkamp.
Assigned Play-by-Play Scorer-Dieks Bannink.
Public Address Announcer-.
Scoreboard Operator-.
Scheduled Starting Time-30 minutes after completion of Game 1.
Time Played-0:00 hrs.
Site-Spotpark Hoofddorp Pioniers, Park21, Hoofddorp.

Game Notes:
Game 2 of double-header.
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the game was cancelled on April 1 by the KNBSB, which on that date annulled all games through May 19 to give the teams a new three-week preparation for an eventual start of the season.
No new date has been announced yet.
Weather conditions at game time: Sunny, 21,3° C (70,3° F); wind direction northeast;
wind speed 19 kmh (11,8 mph); wind force 3 Bft; humidity 43%.

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Copyright © 1997-2020 Marco Stoovelaar / Grand Slam * Stats & News.