Grand Slam * Stats & News
Updated: May 27, 2024
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Grand Slam/Marco Stoovelaar

Compiled and Copyright © 1997-2024 by Marco Stoovelaar

(Story by Marco Stoovelaar; Photos by Martine van Wely)

Umpire Olav Steijger honored for unique milestone in long career

...Olav Steijger is honored before...
...the game in Haarlem...
(© Photo: Martine van Wely)
HAARLEM (Neth.) - Veteran baseball-umpire Olav Steijger was honored for an unique milestone in his long career on a rainy Saturday-afternoon (May 25) before the game between DSS/Kinheim and Quick Amersfoort in the Pim Mulier Stadium in Haarlem. Last Thursday-evening, Steijger officiated in his 750th regular season-game in the Dutch big league, which was the match-up between Curaçao Neptunus and UVV in Rotterdam. Not included in this total are his games in the postseason.

For reaching this milestone in the highest league, Steijger was honored on Saturday by Paul van Kimmenaede, who since December is a member of the new Board of the Royal Netherlands Baseball and Softball Federation (KNBSB). During the pre-game meeting, players and coaches of both teams lined up at the baselines, then Van Kimmenaede addressed a surprised Steijger, who was not aware that this was to happen. Van Kimmenaede mentioned several highlights of Steijger's long career and then handed him a specially made shirt with his name and the number 750 printed on it. Coincidentally, Olav's wife Linda Steijger was one of the two Official Scorers for this game, so she was able to be on the field for the honoring of her husband. Scoreboard Operator Jörgen Balk of home-team DSS/Kinheim had created a special banner, which was shown on the club's scoreboard in leftfield during the ceremony.

When the pre-game meeting took place, it was hoped that the game could be played, despite unfavorable weather conditions. All other three scheduled games were already cancelled at this moment. Unfortunately, the game between DSS/Kinheim and Quick Amersfoort, which started with some drizzling rain, didn't take long. DSS/Kinheim-starter Jasper Elfrink retired the side in the top of the first inning. Quick-starter Vince van Holy retired the first two batters, then walked Ibrahin Redan. When he reached first base, Steijger and his umpiring colleagues Ric Zwanenberg and Richard Wessel waved the teams from the field, as is started to rain heavily. The field was covered, but after some fifteen minutes, it became clear that resuming the game was no option and so, it was halted definitively. The game, which now had a suspended status, was completed on Monday-evening.

Olav Steijger began his umpiring career in 1991 and after two years, he made his national debut. Almost 27 years ago, on Friday-evening, June 6, 1997, Olav made his big league-debut, being the 3B Umpire in the game between Kinheim and RCH. Back then, Kinheim played its home-game at its former site, located at the Badmintonpad. However, the team played its home-games in the evening in the Pim Mulier Stadium. And with that, Steijger made his debut at the same site as where he was honored on Saturday. In his debut-game, Steijger had to go extra innings, as Kinheim needed eleven innings to win 3-2.

...KNBSB-boardmember Paul van Kimmenaede...
...honors umpire Olav Steijger...
...for his 750th game in the Dutch big league...
(© Photo: Martine van Wely)
Olav Steijger also made his international debut in 1997 when he was assigned for the European Championship Juveniles in Italy. In following years, Steijger officiated in more international events, including games in the Second Round (in the Netherlands) and Final Round (in Italy) of the 2009 World Championhip, which then was organized in eight different European countries. In his international career, Steijger also was an umpire in two World Championhips Juniors (Cuba, Canada), one European Championship (in Germany), two European Championships Juniors, one European Championship Cadets, two European Championhips Juveniles, six Haarlem Baseball Weeks, two World Port Tournaments and several European Cup club-tournaments.

How unique Olav Steijger's number of games is can be underscored by the fact that only two other umpires have officiated in more regular season-games. The All-Time List is headed by Fred van Groningen Schinkel, who was active in 1,257 games in his 46 year career. Van Groningen Schinkel retired during the 2017 season. In second place is Henri van Heijningen, who was a umpire in 756 games in 29 seasons and retired after the 2019 season.

...The banner that was shown on...
...the scoreboard of DSS/Kinheim...
As Saturday was Steijger's 751st game, he will surpass Van Heyningen within the next two weeks. On Monday-evening, Steijger also was one of the umpires when the game (still his 751st) was completed. Looking ahead to his upcoming assignments, Steijger can come alongside Van Heyningen on Saturday, June 8 when he will be the Home Plate Umpire in the game between DSS/Kinheim and HCAW in Haarlem. The next day, Steijger will move into second place when he is the umpire at first base in the game between HCAW and DSS/Kinheim in Bussum. Of course, all of this can change due to rainouts or additional assignments for make-up games.

Two weeks ago, on Saturday, May 11, Olav Steijger moved into third place on the All-Time List when he officiated in his 746th, surpassing Henk Meerleveld, who now is in fourth place with 745 games. Meerleveld retired in 2008.

By the way, Van Groningen Schinkel, Van Heyingen, Steijger and Meerleveld are the only four umpires with 700 or more regular season-games in the Dutch big league.

(May 27)

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